Has been a while since it was,
That I sincerely fought the cause.
No cheer, happiness or joy-
What I have saved has been destroyed.
It’s been a while, even more,
Since I was knocking on the door.
The door is closed, the lights’re dimmed,
I take it all and float by stream.
And quite a while ever since,
What cherished I, does not exist.
No single value is intact,
Despair rules, and that’s a fact.
I am dispersed in time and space,
Don’t even try to safe the face.
No chance is left to save and spare,
And come ashore, I wouldn’t dare…
Has been a while since it was, 18/05/09, 21:05
Слава Богу ты опять появился на своем сайте. Я уже начала переживать — что случилось с моим любимым поэтом?
Жду твоих творений с нетерпением…)))
Ой, какая фотка классная! А вот стихотворение очень грустное получилось…