They always trust her,
She is a master
And wouldn’t blast it,
When has control.
She is aware,
Alert, prepared,
With so much care
Can change it all.
Excels with hounors,
So swift at corners,
Now has the onus
To prove it wrong.
Cannot resist it,
Her hands in blisters,
No need to listen
And wait that long.
Comes in her hour,
She gains the power,
Comes down the tower
Of inner fear.
It’s time for action,
No single fraction
Can cause distraction
And interfere.
Solution’s found,
When she’s around,
All safe and sound,
Go on to thrive.
All things God gave her
Add special savor,
She is the savior
Of soul and life.
I want to kiss
Her tender lips,
I know she wouldn’t care.
In such a bliss
Her finger tips
Draw s-line in the air.
She can impress
With playful dress
Her manners not to mention.
She’s so much stressed,
When in excess
And suffers from attention.
Her quiet voice
Brings me rejoice,
Her eyes are deep and brown.
Those eyes of hers
Leave me no choice,
In their sea I drown.
I want to kiss
Her tender lips,
I hope she wouldn’t mind.
With all at ease,
Sweet little Ms.,
She is of special kind.
Ах эти тонкие кривые
И сочетание круглых форм.
Едва завидев их впервые,
Теперь без памяти влюблен.
Сгибаясь в линию косую,
Сливаясь в нежный силуэт,
Мне красоту твою рисуют,
Которой лучше в мире нет.
И эти нежные обводы
Венец размеров и пропорций,
Как торжество идей природы
И отражение эмоций
А эти плавные лекала,
Как воплощение красоты.
Найти пытался идеал я,
Пока не повстречалась ты.
She never envies,
Is jealous not.
I like her «maybe»-s,
And hate her «not»-s.
Avoiding always,
Does not commit.
She doesn’t promise,
By chance comes in.
Ajar and distant
For all the time,
Is every instance
Of hers divine.
And every moment
Is so much more.
I hope her comment,
Will not be «no»
She is my baby,
Refined somewhat.
I love her «maybe»-s,
I hate her «not»-s.
All the things that she said,
Going round in my head,
Want to see her in red.
She’s always good at colour.
Though trying to revolt,
There’s nothing left to hold,
I know it:s all my fault.
Cannot resist to love her.
However strange may seem,
She’s cherished like a dream,
Imagine her in green.
It suits her like no other.
Will always think aloud,
Is never singled out.
Regret is not allowed
She is a perfect lover.
Though hate to be astray,
I know it’s not my way,
Sometimes she wears grey
And makes me think all over.
She talks with quiet voice,
Whatever is her choice,
Continues to rejoice.
I know she wouldn’t bother.
Не видно света из за туч,
Земля насквозь промокла.
Исчез последний солнца луч,
Дождь плетью бьет по окнам.
Вовсю деревья ветры гнут,
Пытаясь вырвать с корнем.
И воздух режет веток кнут,
Ушам от свиста больно.
Угрюмым фоном капель дробь,
Наполнен влагой воздух.
По телу дрожь да оторопь,
По крыше хлещут розги.
Стеной стоит воды поток,
В котором нет прогалин.
И мир до ниточки промок,
Нагайкой струй стегаем.
I wish, I was near,
I wish, I could hear
And live through it all.
Regret and despair,
For I am not there,
It isn’t my call.
I wish, I could witness
Your beauty, my Princess,
Without and within.
Bad luck and misfortune,
The life is a torture,
When you’re not in.
The very existence
Is worsened by distance,
Apart and ajar.
One more thing to mention:
The patience is questioned
When you are that far.
So bright and expressing
Your smile is a blessing
And changes it all.
Explicit and naked,
I wish you could make it,
We would have a ball!
Сильные слова
Çox sagolun. Həqiqətən insana ruh verir
Очень красива
Çox gözel